COVID-19 risk assessment
You can view our COVID-19 risk assessment.
Health and safety statement
As previously mentioned, participants are exposed to potentially risky activities but it is managed risk and with a view to teaching children and young people to learn to manage risk. Little Foresters accepts the legal obligations designated by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. We hold Current DBS checks and have completed First Aid training and Food hygiene courses as part of Forest School training. Little Foresters are insured by Birnbeck Insurance for £5 million public liability cover. Risk Assessments have been made concerning the site and the activities. Also due to changing weather conditions, we will be carrying out ongoing Risk Assessments on behalf of the group.
Emergency procedures
In the event of a serious incident, due to injury, illness or threat, emergency services will be contacted and the following procedures followed:
Secure the group's safety, remove group to another area if necessary
First aider to attend to any casualties
Emergency services to be contacted. Forest School leader to ensure their phone is charged.
Inform Next of kin as soon as possible
Incident to be recorded and the landowner informed as soon as possible.
Incidents leading to hospital admittance for more than 24 hours or resulting in an injury that prevents someone working for 3 or more days need to be registered with RIDDOR within 24 hours. Tel 0845 3009923 (HSE Monday to Friday 8.30 to 5 p.m)
First aid kits to be restocked after use and a check to be carried out every 6 months.
In the event of a person going missing , we will gather the group together and ensure the safety of the group. One or more adults to search for the missing person
If the person is not found within 5 minutes, the group leader must telephone the police. A description of the person is to be passed on.
Local medical facilities
The nearest A and E is the QMC Derby Road, Nottingham, NG7 2UH
(This is a 16 Minute drive without traffic).
Parents and guardians will be asked to fill in a consent form which details medical issues, emergency contact details and the option to give permission for photographs of young people to be used and in which context.
It is of paramount importance that children and vulnerable adults are given appropriate support and care within the session and we create a safe environment as a group.
All staff will have DBS certificates. Any volunteers will be vetted by gathering references , employment history, record of qualification and if they have one their DBS will be checked. Young people will not be left unsupervised with any visitor or volunteer if a DBS check has not been seen.
Disclosures, recording and reporting
Any disclosures will be dealt with sensitively and in line with best practice.
Any concerns will be taken seriously and acted upon immediately.
The safety of the group will be secured before taking any action on site. The police will be involved if necessary.
Implicated adults will be asked to leave the group until the disclosure is officially cleared or action is taken.
Relevant information will be recorded.
Confidentiality will be maintained at all times by only sharing information with relevant people.
NSPCC helpline can be used for children 08088005000 or the Care Quality Commission for vulnerable adults 03000616161.
Little Foresters will follow guidelines provided by partner organisations and local authorities.
Terms and conditions
Dress appropriately – layers in the winter, waterproofs and strong sturdy shoes or boots in summer and winter.
Little Foresters cannot take any responsibility for any personal property that is lost or damaged during sessions.
We welcome feedback and concerns that arise should be shared so that resolutions can be found.
Feedback and concerns can be expressed verbally , in person or by telephone, by email or in writing.
Formal concerns will be logged and a resolution found within 28 days.
Cancellation and postponement
In the case of extreme weather or illness , Little Foresters may need to cancel sessions at short notice
A refund will be offered if the group cannot find an alternative time to make up the session.
N.B families are welcome to pay for just their initial session. If you wish to book further sessions, we ask that you book a block of sessions which is 3-6 sessions. You can book a minimum of 3 sessions then pay for a further 3 if preferred.
Payments can be made via pay pal or bank transfer and must be paid before the session.
You can can download our safeguarding policy and risk assessments below.